
new GeoJsonDataSource(name)

A DataSource which processes both GeoJSON and TopoJSON data. Simplestyle properties will also be used if they are present.
Name Type Description
name String optional The name of this data source. If undefined, a name will be taken from the name of the GeoJSON file.
var viewer = new Cesium.Viewer('cesiumContainer');
viewer.dataSources.add(Cesium.GeoJsonDataSource.fromUrl('../../SampleData/ne_10m_us_states.topojson', {
  stroke: Cesium.Color.HOTPINK,
  fill: Cesium.Color.PINK,
  strokeWidth: 3,
  markerSymbol: '?'


staticGeoJsonDataSource.crsLinkHrefs :Object

Gets an object that maps the href property of a crs link to a callback function which takes the crs properties object and returns a Promise that resolves to a function that takes a GeoJSON coordinate and transforms it into a WGS84 Earth-fixed Cartesian. Items in this object take precedence over those defined in crsLinkHrefs, assuming the link has a type specified.

staticGeoJsonDataSource.crsLinkTypes :Object

Gets an object that maps the type property of a crs link to a callback function which takes the crs properties object and returns a Promise that resolves to a function that takes a GeoJSON coordinate and transforms it into a WGS84 Earth-fixed Cartesian. Items in crsLinkHrefs take precedence over this object.

staticGeoJsonDataSource.crsNames :Object

Gets an object that maps the name of a crs to a callback function which takes a GeoJSON coordinate and transforms it into a WGS84 Earth-fixed Cartesian. Older versions of GeoJSON which supported the EPSG type can be added to this list as well, by specifying the complete EPSG name, for example 'EPSG:4326'.

staticGeoJsonDataSource.fill :Color

Gets or sets default color for polygon interiors.
Default Value: Color.YELLOW

staticGeoJsonDataSource.markerColor :Color

Gets or sets the default color of the map pin created for each point.
Default Value: Color.ROYALBLUE

staticGeoJsonDataSource.markerSize :Number

Gets or sets the default size of the map pin created for each point, in pixels.
Default Value: 48

staticGeoJsonDataSource.markerSymbol :String

Gets or sets the default symbol of the map pin created for each point. This can be any valid Maki identifier, any single character, or blank if no symbol is to be used.

staticGeoJsonDataSource.stroke :Color

Gets or sets the default color of polylines and polygon outlines.
Default Value: Color.BLACK

staticGeoJsonDataSource.strokeWidth :Number

Gets or sets the default width of polylines and polygon outlines.
Default Value: 2.0

changedEvent :Event

Gets an event that will be raised when the underlying data changes.
This DataSource only defines static data, therefore this property is always undefined.

entities :EntityCollection

Gets the collection of Entity instances.

errorEvent :Event

Gets an event that will be raised if an error is encountered during processing.

isLoading :Boolean

Gets a value indicating if the data source is currently loading data.

loadingEvent :Event

Gets an event that will be raised when the data source either starts or stops loading.

name :String

Gets a human-readable name for this instance.


staticGeoJsonDataSource.fromUrl(url, options)GeoJsonDataSource

Creates a new instance and asynchronously loads the provided url.
Name Type Description
url Object The url to be processed.
options Object optional An object with the following properties:
Name Type Default Description
markerSize Number GeoJsonDataSource.markerSize optional The default size of the map pin created for each point, in pixels.
markerSymbol String GeoJsonDataSource.markerSymbol optional The default symbol of the map pin created for each point.
markerColor Color GeoJsonDataSource.markerColor optional The default color of the map pin created for each point.
stroke Color GeoJsonDataSource.stroke optional The default color of polylines and polygon outlines.
strokeWidth Number GeoJsonDataSource.strokeWidth optional The default width of polylines and polygon outlines.
fill Color GeoJsonDataSource.fill optional The default color for polygon interiors.
A new instance set to load the specified url.

load(geoJson, options)Promise

Asynchronously loads the provided GeoJSON object, replacing any existing data.
Name Type Description
geoJson Object The object to be processed.
options Object optional An object with the following properties:
Name Type Default Description
sourceUri String optional The base URI of any relative links in the geoJson object.
markerSize Number GeoJsonDataSource.markerSize optional The default size of the map pin created for each point, in pixels.
markerSymbol String GeoJsonDataSource.markerSymbol optional The default symbol of the map pin created for each point.
markerColor Color GeoJsonDataSource.markerColor optional The default color of the map pin created for each point.
stroke Color GeoJsonDataSource.stroke optional The default color of polylines and polygon outlines.
strokeWidth Number GeoJsonDataSource.strokeWidth optional The default width of polylines and polygon outlines.
fill Color GeoJsonDataSource.fill optional The default color for polygon interiors.
a promise that will resolve when the GeoJSON is loaded.

loadUrl(url, options)Promise

Asynchronously loads the GeoJSON at the provided url, replacing any existing data.
Name Type Description
url Object The url to be processed.
options Object optional An object with the following properties:
Name Type Default Description
markerSize Number GeoJsonDataSource.markerSize optional The default size of the map pin created for each point, in pixels.
markerSymbol String GeoJsonDataSource.markerSymbol optional The default symbol of the map pin created for each point.
markerColor Color GeoJsonDataSource.markerColor optional The default color of the map pin created for each point.
stroke Color GeoJsonDataSource.stroke optional The default color of polylines and polygon outlines.
strokeWidth Number GeoJsonDataSource.strokeWidth optional The default width of polylines and polygon outlines.
fill Color GeoJsonDataSource.fill optional The default color for polygon interiors.
a promise that will resolve when the GeoJSON is loaded.