new Color(red, green, blue, alpha)
A color, specified using red, green, blue, and alpha values,
which range from
(no intensity) to 1.0
(full intensity).
Name | Type | Default | Description |
red |
Number |
optional The red component. |
green |
Number |
optional The green component. |
blue |
Number |
optional The blue component. |
alpha |
Number |
optional The alpha component. |
Core/Color.js, line 50
staticconstantColor.ALICEBLUE :Color
An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #F0F8FFSource: Core/Color.js, line 711
staticconstantColor.ANTIQUEWHITE :Color
An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #FAEBD7Source: Core/Color.js, line 720
staticconstantColor.AQUA :Color
An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #00FFFFSource: Core/Color.js, line 729
staticconstantColor.AQUAMARINE :Color
An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #7FFFD4Source: Core/Color.js, line 738
staticconstantColor.AZURE :Color
An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #F0FFFFSource: Core/Color.js, line 747
staticconstantColor.BEIGE :Color
An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #F5F5DCSource: Core/Color.js, line 756
staticconstantColor.BISQUE :Color
An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #FFE4C4Source: Core/Color.js, line 765
staticconstantColor.BLACK :Color
An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #000000Source: Core/Color.js, line 774
staticconstantColor.BLANCHEDALMOND :Color
An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #FFEBCDSource: Core/Color.js, line 783
staticconstantColor.BLUE :Color
An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #0000FFSource: Core/Color.js, line 792
staticconstantColor.BLUEVIOLET :Color
An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #8A2BE2Source: Core/Color.js, line 801
staticconstantColor.BROWN :Color
An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #A52A2ASource: Core/Color.js, line 810
staticconstantColor.BURLYWOOD :Color
An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #DEB887Source: Core/Color.js, line 819
staticconstantColor.CADETBLUE :Color
An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #5F9EA0Source: Core/Color.js, line 828
staticconstantColor.CHARTREUSE :Color
An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #7FFF00Source: Core/Color.js, line 836
staticconstantColor.CHOCOLATE :Color
An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #D2691ESource: Core/Color.js, line 845
staticconstantColor.CORAL :Color
An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #FF7F50Source: Core/Color.js, line 854
staticconstantColor.CORNFLOWERBLUE :Color
An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #6495EDSource: Core/Color.js, line 863
staticconstantColor.CORNSILK :Color
An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #FFF8DCSource: Core/Color.js, line 872
staticconstantColor.CRIMSON :Color
An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #DC143CSource: Core/Color.js, line 881
staticconstantColor.CYAN :Color
An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #00FFFFSource: Core/Color.js, line 890
staticconstantColor.DARKBLUE :Color
An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #00008BSource: Core/Color.js, line 899
staticconstantColor.DARKCYAN :Color
An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #008B8BSource: Core/Color.js, line 908
staticconstantColor.DARKGOLDENROD :Color
An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #B8860BSource: Core/Color.js, line 917
staticconstantColor.DARKGRAY :Color
An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #A9A9A9Source: Core/Color.js, line 926
staticconstantColor.DARKGREEN :Color
An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #006400Source: Core/Color.js, line 935
staticconstantColor.DARKGREY :Color
An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #A9A9A9Source: Core/Color.js, line 944
staticconstantColor.DARKKHAKI :Color
An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #BDB76BSource: Core/Color.js, line 953
staticconstantColor.DARKMAGENTA :Color
An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #8B008BSource: Core/Color.js, line 962
staticconstantColor.DARKOLIVEGREEN :Color
An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #556B2FSource: Core/Color.js, line 971
staticconstantColor.DARKORANGE :Color
An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #FF8C00Source: Core/Color.js, line 980
staticconstantColor.DARKORCHID :Color
An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #9932CCSource: Core/Color.js, line 989
staticconstantColor.DARKRED :Color
An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #8B0000Source: Core/Color.js, line 998
staticconstantColor.DARKSALMON :Color
An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #E9967ASource: Core/Color.js, line 1007
staticconstantColor.DARKSEAGREEN :Color
An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #8FBC8FSource: Core/Color.js, line 1016
staticconstantColor.DARKSLATEBLUE :Color
An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #483D8BSource: Core/Color.js, line 1025
staticconstantColor.DARKSLATEGRAY :Color
An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #2F4F4FSource: Core/Color.js, line 1034
staticconstantColor.DARKSLATEGREY :Color
An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #2F4F4FSource: Core/Color.js, line 1043
staticconstantColor.DARKTURQUOISE :Color
An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #00CED1Source: Core/Color.js, line 1052
staticconstantColor.DARKVIOLET :Color
An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #9400D3Source: Core/Color.js, line 1061
staticconstantColor.DEEPPINK :Color
An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #FF1493Source: Core/Color.js, line 1070
staticconstantColor.DEEPSKYBLUE :Color
An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #00BFFFSource: Core/Color.js, line 1079
staticconstantColor.DIMGRAY :Color
An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #696969Source: Core/Color.js, line 1088
staticconstantColor.DIMGREY :Color
An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #696969Source: Core/Color.js, line 1097
staticconstantColor.DODGERBLUE :Color
An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #1E90FFSource: Core/Color.js, line 1106
staticconstantColor.FIREBRICK :Color
An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #B22222Source: Core/Color.js, line 1115
staticconstantColor.FLORALWHITE :Color
An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #FFFAF0Source: Core/Color.js, line 1124
staticconstantColor.FORESTGREEN :Color
An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #228B22Source: Core/Color.js, line 1133
staticconstantColor.FUSCHIA :Color
An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #FF00FFSource: Core/Color.js, line 1142
staticconstantColor.GAINSBORO :Color
An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #DCDCDCSource: Core/Color.js, line 1151
staticconstantColor.GHOSTWHITE :Color
An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #F8F8FFSource: Core/Color.js, line 1160
staticconstantColor.GOLD :Color
An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #FFD700Source: Core/Color.js, line 1169
staticconstantColor.GOLDENROD :Color
An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #DAA520Source: Core/Color.js, line 1178
staticconstantColor.GRAY :Color
An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #808080Source: Core/Color.js, line 1187
staticconstantColor.GREEN :Color
An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #008000Source: Core/Color.js, line 1196
staticconstantColor.GREENYELLOW :Color
An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #ADFF2FSource: Core/Color.js, line 1205
staticconstantColor.GREY :Color
An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #808080Source: Core/Color.js, line 1214
staticconstantColor.HONEYDEW :Color
An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #F0FFF0Source: Core/Color.js, line 1223
staticconstantColor.HOTPINK :Color
An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #FF69B4Source: Core/Color.js, line 1232
staticconstantColor.INDIANRED :Color
An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #CD5C5CSource: Core/Color.js, line 1241
staticconstantColor.INDIGO :Color
An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #4B0082Source: Core/Color.js, line 1250
staticconstantColor.IVORY :Color
An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #FFFFF0Source: Core/Color.js, line 1259
staticconstantColor.KHAKI :Color
An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #F0E68CSource: Core/Color.js, line 1268
staticconstantColor.LAVENDAR_BLUSH :Color
An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #FFF0F5Source: Core/Color.js, line 1286
staticconstantColor.LAVENDER :Color
An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #E6E6FASource: Core/Color.js, line 1277
staticconstantColor.LAWNGREEN :Color
An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #7CFC00Source: Core/Color.js, line 1295
staticconstantColor.LEMONCHIFFON :Color
An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #FFFACDSource: Core/Color.js, line 1304
staticconstantColor.LIGHTBLUE :Color
An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #ADD8E6Source: Core/Color.js, line 1313
staticconstantColor.LIGHTCORAL :Color
An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #F08080Source: Core/Color.js, line 1322
staticconstantColor.LIGHTCYAN :Color
An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #E0FFFFSource: Core/Color.js, line 1331
staticconstantColor.LIGHTGOLDENRODYELLOW :Color
An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #FAFAD2Source: Core/Color.js, line 1340
staticconstantColor.LIGHTGRAY :Color
An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #D3D3D3Source: Core/Color.js, line 1349
staticconstantColor.LIGHTGREEN :Color
An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #90EE90Source: Core/Color.js, line 1358
staticconstantColor.LIGHTGREY :Color
An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #D3D3D3Source: Core/Color.js, line 1367
staticconstantColor.LIGHTPINK :Color
An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #FFB6C1Source: Core/Color.js, line 1376
staticconstantColor.LIGHTSEAGREEN :Color
An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #20B2AASource: Core/Color.js, line 1385
staticconstantColor.LIGHTSKYBLUE :Color
An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #87CEFASource: Core/Color.js, line 1394
staticconstantColor.LIGHTSLATEGRAY :Color
An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #778899Source: Core/Color.js, line 1403
staticconstantColor.LIGHTSLATEGREY :Color
An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #778899Source: Core/Color.js, line 1412
staticconstantColor.LIGHTSTEELBLUE :Color
An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #B0C4DESource: Core/Color.js, line 1421
staticconstantColor.LIGHTYELLOW :Color
An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #FFFFE0Source: Core/Color.js, line 1430
staticconstantColor.LIME :Color
An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #00FF00Source: Core/Color.js, line 1439
staticconstantColor.LIMEGREEN :Color
An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #32CD32Source: Core/Color.js, line 1448
staticconstantColor.LINEN :Color
An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #FAF0E6Source: Core/Color.js, line 1457
staticconstantColor.MAGENTA :Color
An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #FF00FFSource: Core/Color.js, line 1466
staticconstantColor.MAROON :Color
An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #800000Source: Core/Color.js, line 1475
staticconstantColor.MEDIUMAQUAMARINE :Color
An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #66CDAASource: Core/Color.js, line 1484
staticconstantColor.MEDIUMBLUE :Color
An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #0000CDSource: Core/Color.js, line 1493
staticconstantColor.MEDIUMORCHID :Color
An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #BA55D3Source: Core/Color.js, line 1502
staticconstantColor.MEDIUMPURPLE :Color
An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #9370DBSource: Core/Color.js, line 1511
staticconstantColor.MEDIUMSEAGREEN :Color
An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #3CB371Source: Core/Color.js, line 1520
staticconstantColor.MEDIUMSLATEBLUE :Color
An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #7B68EESource: Core/Color.js, line 1529
staticconstantColor.MEDIUMSPRINGGREEN :Color
An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #00FA9ASource: Core/Color.js, line 1538
staticconstantColor.MEDIUMTURQUOISE :Color
An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #48D1CCSource: Core/Color.js, line 1547
staticconstantColor.MEDIUMVIOLETRED :Color
An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #C71585Source: Core/Color.js, line 1556
staticconstantColor.MIDNIGHTBLUE :Color
An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #191970Source: Core/Color.js, line 1565
staticconstantColor.MINTCREAM :Color
An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #F5FFFASource: Core/Color.js, line 1574
staticconstantColor.MISTYROSE :Color
An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #FFE4E1Source: Core/Color.js, line 1583
staticconstantColor.MOCCASIN :Color
An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #FFE4B5Source: Core/Color.js, line 1592
staticconstantColor.NAVAJOWHITE :Color
An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #FFDEADSource: Core/Color.js, line 1601
staticconstantColor.NAVY :Color
An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #000080Source: Core/Color.js, line 1610
staticconstantColor.OLDLACE :Color
An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #FDF5E6Source: Core/Color.js, line 1619
staticconstantColor.OLIVE :Color
An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #808000Source: Core/Color.js, line 1628
staticconstantColor.OLIVEDRAB :Color
An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #6B8E23Source: Core/Color.js, line 1637
staticconstantColor.ORANGE :Color
An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #FFA500Source: Core/Color.js, line 1646
staticconstantColor.ORANGERED :Color
An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #FF4500Source: Core/Color.js, line 1655
staticconstantColor.ORCHID :Color
An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #DA70D6Source: Core/Color.js, line 1664
staticColor.packedLength :Number
The number of elements used to pack the object into an array.Source: Core/Color.js, line 412
staticconstantColor.PALEGOLDENROD :Color
An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #EEE8AASource: Core/Color.js, line 1673
staticconstantColor.PALEGREEN :Color
An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #98FB98Source: Core/Color.js, line 1682
staticconstantColor.PALETURQUOISE :Color
An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #AFEEEESource: Core/Color.js, line 1691
staticconstantColor.PALEVIOLETRED :Color
An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #DB7093Source: Core/Color.js, line 1700
staticconstantColor.PAPAYAWHIP :Color
An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #FFEFD5Source: Core/Color.js, line 1709
staticconstantColor.PEACHPUFF :Color
An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #FFDAB9Source: Core/Color.js, line 1718
staticconstantColor.PERU :Color
An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #CD853FSource: Core/Color.js, line 1727
staticconstantColor.PINK :Color
An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #FFC0CBSource: Core/Color.js, line 1736
staticconstantColor.PLUM :Color
An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #DDA0DDSource: Core/Color.js, line 1745
staticconstantColor.POWDERBLUE :Color
An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #B0E0E6Source: Core/Color.js, line 1754
staticconstantColor.PURPLE :Color
An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #800080Source: Core/Color.js, line 1763
staticconstantColor.RED :Color
An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #FF0000Source: Core/Color.js, line 1772
staticconstantColor.ROSYBROWN :Color
An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #BC8F8FSource: Core/Color.js, line 1781
staticconstantColor.ROYALBLUE :Color
An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #4169E1Source: Core/Color.js, line 1790
staticconstantColor.SADDLEBROWN :Color
An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #8B4513Source: Core/Color.js, line 1799
staticconstantColor.SALMON :Color
An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #FA8072Source: Core/Color.js, line 1808
staticconstantColor.SANDYBROWN :Color
An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #F4A460Source: Core/Color.js, line 1817
staticconstantColor.SEAGREEN :Color
An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #2E8B57Source: Core/Color.js, line 1826
staticconstantColor.SEASHELL :Color
An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #FFF5EESource: Core/Color.js, line 1835
staticconstantColor.SIENNA :Color
An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #A0522DSource: Core/Color.js, line 1844
staticconstantColor.SILVER :Color
An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #C0C0C0Source: Core/Color.js, line 1853
staticconstantColor.SKYBLUE :Color
An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #87CEEBSource: Core/Color.js, line 1862
staticconstantColor.SLATEBLUE :Color
An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #6A5ACDSource: Core/Color.js, line 1871
staticconstantColor.SLATEGRAY :Color
An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #708090Source: Core/Color.js, line 1880
staticconstantColor.SLATEGREY :Color
An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #708090Source: Core/Color.js, line 1889
staticconstantColor.SNOW :Color
An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #FFFAFASource: Core/Color.js, line 1898
staticconstantColor.SPRINGGREEN :Color
An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #00FF7FSource: Core/Color.js, line 1907
staticconstantColor.STEELBLUE :Color
An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #4682B4Source: Core/Color.js, line 1916
staticconstantColor.TAN :Color
An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #D2B48CSource: Core/Color.js, line 1925
staticconstantColor.TEAL :Color
An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #008080Source: Core/Color.js, line 1934
staticconstantColor.THISTLE :Color
An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #D8BFD8Source: Core/Color.js, line 1943
staticconstantColor.TOMATO :Color
An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #FF6347Source: Core/Color.js, line 1952
staticconstantColor.TURQUOISE :Color
An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #40E0D0Source: Core/Color.js, line 1961
staticconstantColor.VIOLET :Color
An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #EE82EESource: Core/Color.js, line 1970
staticconstantColor.WHEAT :Color
An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #F5DEB3Source: Core/Color.js, line 1979
staticconstantColor.WHITE :Color
An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #FFFFFFSource: Core/Color.js, line 1988
staticconstantColor.WHITESMOKE :Color
An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #F5F5F5Source: Core/Color.js, line 1997
staticconstantColor.YELLOW :Color
An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #FFFF00Source: Core/Color.js, line 2006
staticconstantColor.YELLOWGREEN :Color
An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #9ACD32Source: Core/Color.js, line 2015
alpha :Number
The alpha component.
Default Value:
Source: Core/Color.js, line 74 -
blue :Number
The blue component.
Default Value:
Source: Core/Color.js, line 68 -
green :Number
The green component.
Default Value:
Source: Core/Color.js, line 62 -
red :Number
The red component.
Default Value:
Source: Core/Color.js, line 56
staticColor.byteToFloat(number) → Number
Converts a 'byte' color component in the range of 0 to 255 into a 'float' color component in the range of 0 to 1.0.
Name Type Description number
Number The number to be converted. Returns:
The converted number.Source: Core/Color.js, line 470 -
staticColor.clone(color, result) → Color
Duplicates a Color.
Name Type Description color
Color The Color to duplicate. result
Color optional The object to store the result in, if undefined a new instance will be created. Returns:
The modified result parameter or a new instance if result was undefined. (Returns undefined if color is undefined)Source: Core/Color.js, line 492 -
staticColor.equals(left, right) → Boolean
Returns true if the first Color equals the second color.
Name Type Description left
Color The first Color to compare for equality. right
Color The second Color to compare for equality. Returns:
if the Colors are equal; otherwise,false
.Source: Core/Color.js, line 513 -
staticColor.floatToByte(number) → Number
Converts a 'float' color component in the range of 0 to 1.0 into a 'byte' color component in the range of 0 to 255.
Name Type Description number
Number The number to be converted. Returns:
The converted number.Source: Core/Color.js, line 481 -
staticColor.fromAlpha(color, alpha, result) → Color
Creates a new Color that has the same red, green, and blue components of the specified color, but with the specified alpha value.
Name Type Description color
Color The base color alpha
Number The new alpha component. result
Color optional The object onto which to store the result. Returns:
The modified result parameter or a new Color instance if one was not provided.Example:
var translucentRed = Cesium.Color.fromColor(Cesium.Color.RED, 0.9);
Source: Core/Color.js, line 142 -
staticColor.fromBytes(red, green, blue, alpha, result) → Color
Creates a new Color specified using red, green, blue, and alpha values that are in the range of 0 to 255, converting them internally to a range of 0.0 to 1.0.
Name Type Default Description red
Number 255
optional The red component. green
Number 255
optional The green component. blue
Number 255
optional The blue component. alpha
Number 255
optional The alpha component. result
Color optional The object onto which to store the result. Returns:
The modified result parameter or a new Color instance if one was not provided.Source: Core/Color.js, line 114 -
staticColor.fromCartesian4(cartesian, result) → Color
Creates a Color instance from a
, andw
map tored
, andalpha
, respectively.Name Type Description cartesian
Cartesian4 The source cartesian. result
Color optional The object onto which to store the result. Returns:
The modified result parameter or a new Color instance if one was not provided.Source: Core/Color.js, line 85 -
staticColor.fromCssColorString(color) → Color
Creates a Color instance from a CSS color value.
Name Type Description color
String The CSS color value in #rgb, #rrggbb, rgb(), rgba(), hsl(), or hsla() format. Returns:
The color object, or undefined if the string was not a valid CSS color.Example:
var cesiumBlue = Cesium.Color.fromCssColorString('#67ADDF'); var green = Cesium.Color.fromCssColorString('green');
Source: Core/Color.js, line 363 -
staticColor.fromHsl(hue, saturation, lightness, alpha) → Color
Creates a Color instance from hue, saturation, and lightness.
Name Type Default Description hue
Number 0
optional The hue angle 0...1 saturation
Number 0
optional The saturation value 0...1 lightness
Number 0
optional The lightness value 0...1 alpha
Number 1.0
optional The alpha component 0...1 Returns:
The color object.See:
Source: Core/Color.js, line 201 -
staticColor.fromRandom(options, result) → Color
Creates a random color using the provided options. For reproducible random colors, you should call
once at the beginning of your application.Name Type Description options
Object optional Object with the following properties: Name Type Default Description red
Number optional If specified, the red component to use instead of a randomized value. minimumRed
Number 0.0
optional The maximum red value to generate if none was specified. maximumRed
Number 1.0
optional The minimum red value to generate if none was specified. green
Number optional If specified, the green component to use instead of a randomized value. minimumGreen
Number 0.0
optional The maximum green value to generate if none was specified. maximumGreen
Number 1.0
optional The minimum green value to generate if none was specified. blue
Number optional If specified, the blue component to use instead of a randomized value. minimumBlue
Number 0.0
optional The maximum blue value to generate if none was specified. maximumBlue
Number 1.0
optional The minimum blue value to generate if none was specified. alpha
Number optional If specified, the alpha component to use instead of a randomized value. minimumAlpha
Number 0.0
optional The maximum alpha value to generate if none was specified. maximumAlpha
Number 1.0
optional The minimum alpha value to generate if none was specified. result
Color optional The object to store the result in, if undefined a new instance will be created. Returns:
The modified result parameter or a new instance if result was undefined.Throws:
DeveloperError : minimumRed must be less than or equal to maximumRed.
DeveloperError : minimumGreen must be less than or equal to maximumGreen.
DeveloperError : minimumBlue must be less than or equal to maximumBlue.
DeveloperError : minimumAlpha must be less than or equal to maximumAlpha.
//Create a completely random color var color = Cesium.Color.fromRandom(); //Create a random shade of yellow. var color = Cesium.Color.fromRandom({ red : 1.0, green : 1.0, alpha : 1.0 }); //Create a random bright color. var color = Cesium.Color.fromRandom({ minimumRed : 0.75, minimumGreen : 0.75, minimumBlue : 0.75, alpha : 1.0 });
Source: Core/Color.js, line 272 -
staticColor.fromRgba(rgba) → Color
Creates a new Color from a single numeric unsigned 32-bit RGBA value, using the endianness of the system.
Name Type Description rgba
Number A single numeric unsigned 32-bit RGBA value. Returns:
A new color instance.Example:
var color = Cesium.Color.fromRgba(0x67ADDFFF);
Source: Core/Color.js, line 184 -
staticColor.pack(value, array, startingIndex)
Stores the provided instance into the provided array.
Name Type Default Description value
Color The value to pack. array
Array.<Number> The array to pack into. startingIndex
Number 0
optional The index into the array at which to start packing the elements. Source: Core/Color.js, line 421 -
staticColor.unpack(array, startingIndex, result)
Retrieves an instance from a packed array.
Name Type Default Description array
Array.<Number> The packed array. startingIndex
Number 0
optional The starting index of the element to be unpacked. result
Color optional The object into which to store the result. Source: Core/Color.js, line 445 -
brighten(magnitude, result) → Color
Brightens this color by the provided magnitude.
Name Type Description magnitude
Number A positive number indicating the amount to brighten. result
Color The object onto which to store the result. Returns:
The modified result parameter.Example:
var brightBlue = Cesium.Color.BLUE.brighten(0.5, new Color());
Source: Core/Color.js, line 638 -
clone(result) → Color
Returns a duplicate of a Color instance.
Name Type Description result
Color optional The object to store the result in, if undefined a new instance will be created. Returns:
The modified result parameter or a new instance if result was undefined.Source: Core/Color.js, line 529 -
darken(magnitude, result) → Color
Darkens this color by the provided magnitude.
Name Type Description magnitude
Number A positive number indicating the amount to darken. result
Color The object onto which to store the result. Returns:
The modified result parameter.Example:
var darkBlue = Cesium.Color.BLUE.darken(0.5, new Color());
Source: Core/Color.js, line 669 -
equals(other) → Boolean
Returns true if this Color equals other.
Name Type Description other
Color The Color to compare for equality. Returns:
if the Colors are equal; otherwise,false
.Source: Core/Color.js, line 539 -
equalsEpsilon(other, epsilon) → Boolean
if this Color equals other componentwise within the specified epsilon.Name Type Default Description other
Color The Color to compare for equality. epsilon
Number 0.0
optional The epsilon to use for equality testing. Returns:
if the Colors are equal within the specified epsilon; otherwise,false
.Source: Core/Color.js, line 550 -
toBytes(result) → Array.<Number>
Converts this color to an array of red, green, blue, and alpha values that are in the range of 0 to 255.
Name Type Description result
Array.<Number> optional The array to store the result in, if undefined a new instance will be created. Returns:
The modified result parameter or a new instance if result was undefined.Source: Core/Color.js, line 592 -
toCssColorString() → String
Creates a string containing the CSS color value for this color.
The CSS equivalent of this color.See:
Source: Core/Color.js, line 575 -
toRgba() → Number
Converts this color to a single numeric unsigned 32-bit RGBA value, using the endianness of the system.
A single numeric unsigned 32-bit RGBA value.Example:
var rgba = Cesium.Color.BLUE.toRgba();
Source: Core/Color.js, line 619 -
toString() → String
Creates a string representing this Color in the format '(red, green, blue, alpha)'.
A string representing this Color in the format '(red, green, blue, alpha)'.Source: Core/Color.js, line 564 -
withAlpha(alpha, result) → Color
Creates a new Color that has the same red, green, and blue components as this Color, but with the specified alpha value.
Name Type Description alpha
Number The new alpha component. result
Color optional The object onto which to store the result. Returns:
The modified result parameter or a new Color instance if one was not provided.Example:
var translucentRed = Cesium.Color.RED.withAlpha(0.9);
Source: Core/Color.js, line 700